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#Frequently asked questions

Can I cancel or edit my order?
Changes and cancellations to your order must be completed within 24hrs of placing the order originally. If you are outside of the 24hr window feel free to contact us at and we will do our best to help with your situation as you are always able to make returns and exchanges after receiving the product.
Do you ship internationally?
Unfortunately at this time we do not offer international shipping as a standard service but can accommodate certain situations. Please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help.
Can I return my item?
We offer returns and exchanges on items within 60 days of receiving the product. We will pay for shipping on returns please contact us for a shipping return label by emailing (In the subject line please put “RETURN LABEL REQUESTED” to help us get to your order as quickly as possible.)
What if I receive a broken/defective product?
In the event that you receive a defective item please notify us immediately as we take the quality of the products sold in our store very seriously. You will be reimbursed for your purchase or sent an exchange as quickly as possible. To notify us and to receive a return label send an email to (In the subject line please put “DEFECTIVE PRODUCT - EXCHANGE REQUESTED” to help us get to your order as quickly as possible.)
What shipping methods do you offer?
We currently offer standard ground shipping options
What materials are the toys made from?
Each toy is made out of different high quality materials that we trust with the dogs that we own and raise. If there are ever concerns about the quality of our products feel free to send us a direct email at and we will be happy to chat with you!
When will I receive my item?
Items normally take 7-10 business days for processing and then shipping time is typically 10-15 days.
Where do you ship from?
We ship from different locations depending on the product being ordered.
What do I do if I never receive my order?
While we do our best to avoid these situations, things do happens sometimes. In this event notify us immediately and we will do our best to figure out what happened to your delivery or get you another one shipped out right away. To notify us send an email to (In the subject line please put “LOST ORDER NEEDS FOUND” to help us get to your order as quickly as possible.)
What is the best way to contact us?
What is the best way to contact us?